Wildrosenkernöl: Das Geheimnis natürlicher Hautpflege
Wildrosenkernöl ist ein wahres Wunder der Natur und gilt als eines der effektivsten Öle in der Hautpflege. Doch was macht es so besonders, und worin unterscheidet es sich von herkömmlichem Wildrose...

UV filters: chemical vs. mineral
What are the advantages and disadvantages of chemical and mineral UV filters in sunscreens? Sun protection – a topic that affects our skin and health, but is unfortunately often underestimated. ...

Beeswax has a few party tricks up its sleeve that make it fantastic for cosmetics. It is very moisturizing as it locks in water, keeping your skin hydrated. It protects your skin when it forms a th...

Beeswax regularly plays the leading role in the production of our cosmetics. We only use Bioland or demeter beeswax because beekeeping is very important to us.