Bodyoil - Lemongrass

"The oil is rich, absorbs well, nourishes gently and smells wonderful"- Kim

Sale price29,90 €(119,60 €/l)

Delivery time 1-3 working days

  • High-quality care: tightens and regenerates the skin
  • Antioxidant: With turmeric oil, anti-inflammatory
  • Sustainable: Plastic-free with glass and cork
This rich care product combines high-quality organic oils such as sesame oil, safflower oil and sea buckthorn seed oil, which intensively moisturize your skin and promote its natural regeneration. Turmeric oil has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, making the product ideal for dry and sensitive skin types. Rounded off with the refreshing scent of lemongrass, this care is a soothing experience for body and senses. Before the new design, it was called Bodyoil.

Customer Reviews

Based on 42 reviews

Richt gut, zieht gut ein


Neige die Flasche vorsichtig, sodass der Naturkork-Dosierer einige Tropfen Öl freigibt. Erwärme das Öl kurz zwischen deinen Händen und trage es sanft auf die gewünschte Körperpartie auf. Massiere es mit kreisenden Bewegungen ein – ideal für die Pflege nach dem Duschen oder für eine entspannende Massage.

Key ingredients

Our direct trade ingredients

What's in our products? For us, every ingredient counts. That's why we rely on direct partnerships with organic farmers to source as many raw materials as possible directly and sustainably. Based on the principle: only what's good enough to eat belongs on your skin.

Our reusable packaging

Our mission: packaging that lasts - and in the cycle! Our well-thought-out reusable packaging is durable and can be used again and again. This saves resources, your wallet and the environment at the same time.